Killin Breadalbane Angling Club
Terms & Conditions

Killin Breadalbane Angling Club Constitution

(updated 2022)

1. Name

1.1. The name of the Club shall be Killin Breadalbane Angling Club.

2. Objects of the Club

2.1. To promote angling in general within the Killin area and to encourage the use of Artificial Flies for the capture of Trout and Salmon, and (where applicable) Coarse fish.

2.2. To liaise with and negotiate agreements with Riparian owners throughout the Club's area in order to facilitate access to fishing and to provide administration and control of angling.

2.3. To organise angling competitions in the spirit of friendly competitiveness.

2.4. To carry out measures, where deemed necessary, to improve angling within the Club's catchment area.

2.5. To affiliate with or join such organisations as deemed appropriate to further the interests of the Club and its Members.

2.6. To encourage exchanges with other Angling Clubs to further promote cooperation between fellow anglers.

3. Killin Breadalbane Angling Clubs Operating Jurisdiction.

3.1 The geographic area within which the club operates (i.e. for trout. salmon, and= fishing), includes the west end of Loch Tay, the rivers Lochay and Dochart, hill lochs and feeder bums in the surrounding area. Specific sections on waters lying within the Club area (i.e. shore, bank and beats) lie outside the control of the Club, some of these are not under agreement for fishing access, these areas will require separate permits to be obtained, direct from Riparian Owners who administer their own fishing; other sections of the shore or bank are deemed as exclusion t0ncs for reasons of Safety or Privacy.

4 Membership of the Club and Voting

4.1 Full Membership will be open to all permanent residents, and rate payers to either of the local councils within the described catchment area. This allows them to fish for Trout. Salmon and Coarse fish as detailed within Club rules.

4.2 The number of members permitted to fish for salmon on the River Dochart shall be limited lo 47; these must already hold full club membership,

4.3 Honorary Life Membership shall be granted by recommendation of the Committee to the AGM. Such Members shall enjoy all the privileges of full club membership.

4.4 The Secretary, on receipt of a written /signed complaint (witnessed) regarding a member conduct in relation to Club rules, shall have discretion to suspend membership. The committee will discuss the matter within seven days of the report being received and a decision given in writing. Every member bas the right of appeal against any decision, and may request attendance at such a hearing in person.

4.5 Where the Committee has determined that a member of the Club has violated the Club's constitution and/or rules in a serious manner the member will be ineligible to be elected to, or sit on the clubs committee at any future time.

4.6 After a period of three years, during which they have abided by Club rules, Affiliate members may apply to have their annual subscription fee reduced to align with Full membership annual fees (Affiliate membership status will still apply).

4.7 The Secretary shall maintain a record of members and issue annual progrnmme of events.

4.8 The Secretary shall maintain a waiting list of Salmon Membership requests, which will be revised prior to the start of each year.

4.9 All Full Members have the right to One Vote.

4.10 Affiliates and all non-residents have No Vote

4.11 In exceptional situations, Affiliate/non-residents may be elected to serve as a senior post-holder or committee member, in this circumstance point 4.10 above will not apply and the individual(s) will have One Vote.

4.12 Honorary members have No Vote

5 Subscriptions

5.1 All annual membership subscriptions shall be payable by the 31st of December for the year

5.2 The membership year shall run from the 1st or January to the 31st December.

5.3 Any member failing to pay the required fees shall cease to be a member but may apply to be re-instated

5.4 Honorary Members arc exempt for all subscription fees.

6 Officer of the Club and Associated Governing Rules

6.1 Patrons (recommended at the AGM)

6.2 President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Minutes Secretary, Competitions and Events Secretary and Boat Convenor.

6.3 There shall be no less than five other members elected to serve on the committee.

6.4 All elected Officers and Members of Committee shall hold office (and be eligible to be re-elected) for a period of three consecutive years.

6.5 The Office of Secretary and Treasurer may be exempt from standing down for reasons of continuity, all other offices are re-elected annually for a maximum of three years.

6.6 On completion of three years, one third of the elected members will retire by rotation, but remain eligible for re-nomination. 

6.7 Should it be deemed appropriate, the retiring committee may recommend to the AGM for the appointment of additional Officers for a specific purpose and/or period.

6.8 All Officers and members of committee must be proposed and seconded and their election to office must be confirmed via an AGM vote.

7 Powers and Duties of the Committee

7.1 To further the Objects of the Club.

7.2 To enforce the Rules and ensure good conduct among members.

7.3 To control and expend the funds of the Club by way of acquiring and maintaining Club property and assets in the best interests of the Club Members.

7.4 To review Club angling leases and access agreements as required.

7.5 To prepare the required documents for presentation at the AGM.

8 Meetings

8.1 The Committee shall hold a minimum of Six General Committee Meetings per year.

8.2 The AGM shall be called by Public Notice 14 Days prior to the agreed date, and before the second Friday in November each year. All motions to be displayed by notice.

8.3 Special General Meetings shall be called by Public Notice 14 Days prior to the agreed date, and stating the reasons the extraordinary meeting.

9 Conduct of Meetings

9.1 All meetings shall be chaired by the President or Vice President, or a nominated member elected at that meeting for that meeting only.

9.2 Committee meetings shall follow an agenda and approve minutes and any business resulting to be correctly recorded.

9.3 The AGM shall receive and adopt the minutes of the previous AGM, approve accounts and balance sheet, elect Officers and Committee, discuss proposals and deal with all prior written motions, appoint an auditor, set fees for the following year and conduct any other appropriate business.

9.4 A Special General Meeting shall only consider the matter for which it was called.

9.5 A Quorum for Committee Meeting shall be 6, an AGM 15 and a Special General Meeting shall be 15. If there is not the required number of members present at a Committee Meeting then only current business can be approved. At an AGM only minutes, accounts and the election may be approved, and at a Special General Meeting there would be no proceedings.

9.6 In the event of a tied vote the Chair will cast the deciding vote in addition to his or her vote as an ordinary member.

9.7 At the discretion of the Committee, individuals may be invited / encouraged to attend Committee meetings in order to discuss specific items of business; these guest speakers will not be entitled to address nor participate in other Club business in the interest of a conflict of interest.

10 General

10.1 The Club shall appoint individuals to represent the Club at meetings of other external organisations as it deems appropriate, for the avoidance of any conflict of interest, their involvement with such organisations must be based exclusively on representing and promoting the interests of the Club.

10.2 The Committee shall make alterations to the Rules as may be required by Legislation, or in the considered best interests of the Members. All Members shall be bound to assist in the observation of this constitution, including such rule changes as the Committee shall make at intermittent points between AGMs.

10.3 All Members are to be in possession of a current copy of the Constitution and Rules.

10.4 Any proposals to alter all or part of the Constitution shall require to be made known in writing 14 Days prior to the AGM and duly signed by the Proposer and seconded.

Killin Breadalbane Angling Club Fishing Rules

(updated 2022)


The River Tay system is covered by a Protection Order, under the Aquaculture Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 2007. This means that there is a statutory requirement for all persons wanting to fish for any freshwater species to obtain written permission to do so prior to commencing fishing.


The permission to fish for freshwater Species comes under three categories, all of which are within the law.

• Being a member of this club and carrying evidence of your membership (email/receipt/member number), allows the bearer to fish all banks and loch surfaces, which come within the access agreements of Riparian owners, with who the club has written agreement. There are exceptions to locations which should be noted by the angler.

• Purchasing a fishing permit from a Riparian owner with whom the club does not have an agreement with, allows the bearer to fish that particular beat.

• All non-members and visitors must purchase a permit to access and fish any of the water within the clubs jurisdiction.

Failure to follow any of the three clauses is against the current Law, and falls within the Criminal Law Jurisdiction, and can result in charges being brought, equipment being confiscated, and transport impounded.

Access agreements with Riparian Owner, set out the hours during which fishing is permitted. and the methods allowed. It is important for all members to abide by and practice the approved methods, and ensure visitors to do so by setting the example.

Although the Club promotes the use of artificial fly angling, other methods are allowed, as detailed visitor permits. The month of April, being recognised as the spawning period, is closed for all coarse species.

Salmon angling is available on the club's River Dochart beat as set out in the constitution; details of other options for salmon fishing are provided below.

Notices are clearly displayed for the assistance of visitors. It is an offence to deface or otherwise tamper with these notices, and is punishable under the Law.

Anglers are required to produce evidence of their membership by KBAC members, Freshwater Wardens, Honorary Bailiff’s, TDSFB Bailiffs, and Police Officers.

Exclusions Zones

There areas of both Loch and River Bank which for the reasons of Privacy, Safety and Jurisdiction, are not included in access agreements. Private Dwellings and Grounds, Moorings and Landing Stages Dam Walls, Intake and Outlet points on Hydro Electric Installations, Weirs and Walls at Power Stations and all bridges are examples of exclusion zones where fishing is not permitted.

There are obvious sections of difficult or precipitous banking where access is dangerous and fishing is therefore not advised for these reasons.

 During periods of other sporting activities such as Deer Stalking and Grouse Shooting, temporary restrictions will be introduced for reasons of safety and to allow others to enjoy their chosen activity / sport. Notices will be displayed indicating the dates when access will be restricted.


Membership ID Cards

The club has previously produced and distributed membership cards to it members, in order for them to demonstrate membership of the club when requested to do so. In an effort to reduce the clubs carbon footprint, as well as reduce administration, the club is moving to a digital alternative that will allow members to store proof of membership on their mobile devices. The club recognises that not all members are in a position to accommodate this method and will therefore make every effort to support those members in finding a mutually agreed approach on evidencing their membership.



Members are reminded to park at the area beside the River Lochay slipway when using boats. Where appropriate, car parking tickets should be displayed within your vehicle, failure to display a valid parking permit will result in the offending vehicle being removed. When bank fishing, anglers must not park across access to farm roads or fields and must not use passing places as parking areas (this is a criminal offence under the Roads Traffic Act).


Access to Fishing.

The club is dependent on the goodwill of land owners and riparian owners. It goes without saying the members should fully comply with normal Countryside code conventions and National Park Regulations in regard to use of designated access routes, securing of farm gates, damage to crops and property, disturbance of live stock, control of pets etc. Exclusions zones must be respected at all times.

Club boats

When using club boats, members (and guests) must observe the following:

• The club maintains several boats for the use of club members (subject lo pre-booking); these will be available for use between 9am – 4pm Mon-Sat

• Club boots are for the use of members only, guests (i.e. non-KBAC members) are permitted but must be accompanied by a club member at all times and guest details (name/address) must be recorded in the Boat Bookings Jog at time of booking. The guest must also obtain a day permit if a non-member.

 Note : Where a club boa! is booked in conjunction with the W1 Salmon right, guests are not permitted (i.e. all persons in the boat must be KBAC members) 

• A Life Preserver must be worn by all boat occupants at all times.

• 'The maximum number of persons occupying a club boat is restricted lo 3.

• Any damage no matter how minimal must be reported to the Boat Convenor immediately on return. Any damage caused due to negligence may incur a charge for repair.

Litter and fires.

As per the Country Code- all litter to be taken home, whilst camping stoves arc permitted, no open fires are to be

Iit at any time.

Trout & Char -

Season -15th of March to the 6th of October Inclusive

Areas of Fishing (subject to change dependant on negotiation with Riparian and Land Owners)

a) The surface of Loch Tay, by boat, from the West End of the Loch to the Lawers Burm on the North Shore, and the Manse Bum (Alli a Mheinn) on the South Shore.

b) The North Shore of Loch Tay, East of the out let from Finlarig Power Station to the West bank of the Lawers Burn. Excluding 50 metres either side of the private landing stages at Edramucky, Rhynachulig, Carrie, Craggantoul and Balnasuim Farms, and the harbour area at Highland Lodges.

c) The West Shore of Loch Tay from the wicket gate on the bank of the River Lochay, to the West entrance to the Private Dwellings at Pier End. Fishing from, and landing on the two Islands is not permitted, except in situations of emergency when temporary landing is allowed.

d) The South Shore of Loch Tav from the East March of Kinnell Estate, to the West Bank of the Manse Bum. Excluding the area of bank within the Firbush boundary, the Private Dwelling know as Fiddlers Bay, and from the wire fence West of the Ardeonaig Boys Brigade Centre to the wire fence on the East bank of the Ardeonaig Bum, which area is private dwellings and a harbour with moorings.

e) The surface of the River Lochay, from the Pier Road Bridge, downstream, and that of the River Dochart from 50 metres cast of the Power Lines, downstream to the junction of the two rivers, and from that point downstream to the respective entry points lo the open water of Loch Tay.

f) The River Lochay from the head waters, on both banks, downstream to the cattle grid West of High Batoumie, on Kenknock Estate, and from the lnnischoarach Bridge, both banks downstream to the Bridge of Lochay Hotel boundary, on Boreland Estate. Excluding both banks from a point 500m above, and below, the Lochay Power Station, and both banks from Daldravaig Farm downstream to the walled Summer Garden. From the Pier Road Bridge, on the East Bank, downstream to the wicket gate at the Estuary, and from the Old Railway Bridge downstream to the junction with the River Dochart.

g) The River Dochan, on the South Bank, downstream from the Altcally Bum to the War Memorial, and on the North Bank from the march dyke with Auchlyne Estate downstream to West boundary of the dwelling known as Spnngbum. From the Railway Viaduct, on the Nonh Bank downstream to the junction with the River Lochay.

h) The Hydro Electric Dams, Leehan nan Lairigc, to tl1e North of Loch Tay, and Lochan Brcaclaich to the South of Loch Tay, along with Lochan nan Cat on the Ben Lawers Nature Reserve, and Lochan nan Geadas to the South of Loch Tay.

Times of Access to Fishing

a) Sunrise to sunset (except where further restrictions have been specified by the riparian owner).

b) No night fishing.

Methods of Fishing. Bag Limit, and Size of Fish

a) 5-fish limit at all times (including all local competitions).

b) Brown Trout size limit - 10 inches with the exception of hill lochs and dams which are restricted to 8 inches).

c) Only one rod may be used at any time and this must be hand held.

d) Junior anglers, accompanied by an adult, may fish by all legal means.

e) Deliberate trolling on Loch Tay or any part of the navigable Rivers Dochart and Lochay is NOT


f) Rods must not be left unattended or supported by any artificial means. The exception is if an angler is registered as disabled and produces the required exemption parking ticket or similar document, but must be in attendance of the rod.

g) The removal of Arctic Char is NOT allowed - this species is in rapid decline and should be carefully

released as a conservation measure.